Saturday, February 26, 2011


"It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem.  For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.  But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons."  ~Douglas Adams, The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I have just come back from a trip with two of my beautiful kids and beloved. We saw the stage production of the Lion King. One of our stops was a Dolphin exhibit. Not to my surprise my daughter immediately identified with them and one in particular. It was not coincidental that on our way back we visited my mother and that my daughter made a powerful connection with her, whom she had not seen in a number of years. My mother is in a home in the city of Loma Linda, California.

My Mother is also very tuned to the animal world. She loves all animals and has always encouraged us to be animal lovers. It is only now that I fully understand her message of a spiritual life. A message that had been hidden by the trials and tribulations of our life. 

I implore you all to take the time to appreciate the animals of this planet and allow your heart to open to all living things and understand the true meaning of life .Those beautiful creatures have the ability to bring peace into your life in areas where maybe you have some turbulence, causing you to lose sight of what the true treasures of your heart are.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There are no rules or magic potions to take to absorb the energy life's elements provide us on this planet. There is no qualification process to drink the holy communion of life's energy. The elements are there for the taking.  All you have to do is reach out and experience it. 

I was inspired to write this post by a walk I had with my beloved on the shores of the Pacific ocean. I would pause our walk briefly as we were strolling and as I was watching the waves come and go a thought came to mind about how powerful the Earth's energy is. There is a dance of the elements that will happen whether we like it or not.

I truly believe that this form of meditation can allow you to to be a part of this energy. You can feel the unity  evolving inside you. This can happen with sun light, water falls, the winds which caress the plains of Mother Earth and the rains that cleanse the spirit and soul from the stress of everyday life. Just take a few minutes everyday and feel the difference it can make in your life.

Too many of us view this energy as a nuisance as it can cause perceived  inconveniences in our daily life. 

I say that in a storm you can stop what you are doing and absorb the energy instead of cursing it.

Embrace and harness Mother Nature and all her affects  and you can become a powerful force of confidence and a source of inspiration. Become part of the dance and good things will come to you like you were a magnet.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Prayers from our Indigenous people from around the world are identical in purpose and intent. They are deeply rooted in the spirit of Mother Earth. It is no coincidence that the foundation of the Native's way of live is also found in Religions around the world. Love and Respect, Peace and Unity.

As you may know from my earlier posts, the Native Americans were victims of the largest genocide in humanity. Their prayers and wisdom are so powerful and passionate. We can all live by their wisdom and not violate any cannon laws of any dogmatic religion.

When you sit in contemplation, remember when you wake up you are surrounded by Mother Earth Whether you like it or not. You eat what Mother Earth produces for you. You breath the air  she gives you, she is pleasing to all your senses. She provides you with a fashion show in her 4 seasons each year. She has provided you with loving company with animals who walk the planet aside you.

When you respect her, your way of life is blessed by her. Take a deep breath each morning and give thanks for your life and good health you have. Pray for those who are not so fortunate and send positive energy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

Laughter is strong medicine for mind and body

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.

The above comes from Help

The above photo is Doctor Patch Adams who introduced humor to hospital care in an era when treating patients in pain was not considered a humorous process. If you have not seen this beautiful movie called "Patch Adams", you really need to see it. It stars Robin Williams. What better actor could they find for such a role!

I will never forget the rounds I made in hospitals, especially in the children ward when I walked in with a smile and said a joke or two. Regardless of age, race, creed, those beautiful humans who were in pain, for a moment seemed to forget what was ailing them and returned the smile.

Take a little break from your serious day and click on the following link for some smiles and laughter. 

Laughter is an Instant Vacation Movie | Laughter Is An Instant Vacation

Be well in smiles and laughter! Spread the happiness to all!



Monday, February 14, 2011


Darkness is part of life. The irony is,  that without darkness,  light cannot exist. In fact, without darkness there is no way to gauge the strength of your light. Character cannot be developed in calm seas. Our souls need to experience trials and tribulations to to evolve and to clear the path of life towards peace and strength and spirituality.

The enemies of Spiritual development are:  Apathy, Materialism and Indifference. The allies are Compassion, Love and allowing your inner light to shine.

Know yourself, see the shadows of your past. Doing this can direct you to the path of your future where you can be one's  lighthouse amidst  storms and darkness. 

As I gain more experience in life and acquire more wisdom, I realize that often in life we only understand the value of an emotion or spiritual treasure when we lose it, such as love. I recall the wisdom of one of my favorite poets,  Poet ~~ Khalil Gibran " Love does not know it's own depth until the hour of separation". 

Recently I watched a TV series about people who were clinically dead and returned to life. Numerous people with such experiences had one major experience in common. They realized that all the materialism in the world cannot give you true happiness. During their experience, none of them were thing about the house or car, they were leaving behind, they were thinking of family and love, etc.

They all believed they returned as they have some purpose they must fulfill before leaving this world. They also have no fear of death as they experienced a peaceful energy.

They would agree with me, about the allies and enemies of Spirituality as indicated above. They may not call it spirituality, but they certainly would call it treasures of the soul. Their attitude now is to help others, to be a light in the darkness of others.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I send to all ~~ an ancient Valentine card with the Greek God of Eros and Psyche (soul). Also known in Rome as Psyche and Cupid.  This sculpture is found in the Louvre museum in Paris which I have seen many times in my travels.

I have always believed that sacred unity evolves when two people who love each other spiritually, consummate their love  physically. 

There are three Greek words for love. They are Agapi, which means spiritual love, the love of sharing in spiritual gatherings.

Philos which means friends of. Example, The root words in Philosophy are (Philos ~~ friend)  (Sophia ~~ wisdom) In other words, the love for wisdom.

Eros which means the physical love or Erotic love. 

What a beautiful language!

As to the origins of Valentine's Day:

~~~~~The following comes from ~~~~~

February 14th & Juno Fructifier or Juno Februata:

The Romans celebrated a holiday on February 14th to honor Juno Fructifier, Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses as well as goddess of marriage. In one ritual, women would submit their names to a common box and men would each draw one out. These two would be a couple for the duration of the festival (and at times for the entire following year). Both rituals were designed to promote not only fertility, but also life generally. 

February 15th & Feast of Lupercalia:

On February 15, Romans celebrated Luperaclia, honoring Faunus, god of fertility. Men would go to a grotto dedicated to Lupercal, the wolf god, located at the foot of Palatine Hill and where Romans believed that the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, were suckled by a she-wolf. The men would sacrifice a goat, don its skin, and run around, hitting women with small whips, an act which was supposed to ensure fertility.

St. Valentine, Christian Priest:

According to one story, Roman emperor Claudius II imposed a ban on marriages because too many young men were dodging the draft by getting married (only single men had to enter the army). A Christian priest named Valentinus was caught performing secret marriages and sentenced to death. While awaiting execution, young lovers visited him with notes about how much better love is than war — the first “valentines.” The execution occurred in 269 CE on February 14th.

To be perfectly honest, Valentines is a celebration which is highly promoted by greeting card companies and candy stores. U.S. consumers, in 2009, spent an average of $102.50 on Valentine’s gifts and merchandise. Total spending on the holiday was expected to reach $14.7 BILLION. So ~~ another money making event steels from the true meaning of love between families, friends and soul mates that should be celebrated on a daily basis. 

The best Valentine message you can give does not cost a Penny. Hugs, kisses, terms of endearment and sharing your soul, spirit and heart ~~ every day of your life together.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Doubt is an external energy that comes from other people or things. It creeps in our mind and spirit and conveniences us through "logic" that there is reason for not achieving your heart's desire. Please be reminded that faith does not depend on a logical foundation. Faith is an energy that can not be quantified  Once you try to calculate it, you begin to give birth to doubt. 

All of us have the potential of achieving that we believe in. Sometimes the mind creates doubt, but know that the doubt comes from within and no one has the power to cause you doubt unless you allow it. The bottom line is, you have the power to fulfill your dreams. You just need to find it within. 

I was inspired by certain challenges recently which has motivated me to make this post. No matter how deep your spirituality runs, we are humans who are not perfect. I guess that is why we sometimes say "to error is to be human". It is, however, within our power to overcome the doubt we sometimes feel. No one can take that power from us unless you allow it.    Please click on this link and view this very powerful message, full of beautiful images, text and relaxing music!

Enjoy all life has to offer! You deserve it! All you have to do is believe it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


While I have posted on the subject prior, I feel it is necessary to approach the art of forgiveness from a different angle. Yes, to forgive is to free your spirit and soul. It is a gift not only for others but more importantly, a gift to yourself. 

To add to that, please receive the following Spiritual wisdom: Failure to forgive creates an enormous negative energy that can be an infectious disease to your spirit and soul.

I cannot stress enough that holding grudges, resentment and anger towards your fellow human causes your soul's imprisonment more intense. It prevents the higher and more normal attributes like love, compassion and positive creativity.  

Believe me. I was guilty of this emotion, as bad as it gets. I allowed it to eat my spirit and soul. Just when I seemed to have bottomed out, I found myself. I then pulled my self from the doldrums of pure darkness.

I have now opened the cage and I am free. I now love and have compassion as never before. 

Do a self evaluation and see if any part of  your life as spurred ill feelings towards anyone. Then, commit to forgiveness and see how free you have become.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


As I have said many times before, I am not political in the practical sense of the word nor am I religious. I profess to be Spiritual. It is like the quote of Gandhi, " God has no Religion". Unfortunately some religions are pure politics with rules and regulations that must be followed or you will go straight to "Hell". There is a quote from someone I cannot recall the name of. ~~ "To be religious is to be fearful of Death and Hell, ~~ to be Spiritual is to have already experienced  Hell and do not fear death."

Even in a country with so much Spirituality as India, there can be found inhumanity. One reason for the inspiration of this post is a current case involving A doctor Binayak Sen who for years has been a doctor for the poor. He is an Indian Pediatrician and a public care specialist and a human rights activist. He has been found guilty of of treason while fighting for Human Rights. The government claimed in the process of his fight for human rights he was guilty of being associated with a banned organization against the government. He has been sentenced for life in prison. Amnesty International considers Dr. Sen to be a prisoner of Conscience.

                                                    Doctor Sen transferred to prison

What would Gandhi do if he were alive today?

Does this sound like Nelson Mandela all over again?

Gandhi is the poster child for non violence. He has always promoted unity of all people and protested with fasting and prayer. Never with violence. Is it not a shame that he had become a victim of violence to really make his point? He was assassinated with three bullets to the chest.

It seems that other leaders for unity and humanity including but not limited to Martin Luther King Jr. also fell victim to violence.

Think about it for a moment. ~~~ More people have been killed in the name of religions than in any war on the planet.

Remember, Violence can also be verbal and can cause even more pain.

Be the religion you already have inside you. The door to your church is your heart and soul. If you need to take your inner church to a building, so be it. Just know that Kindness, love and compassion does not come from sitting or kneeling on a pew. No matter how many Holy Communions you take or liturgies you hear, you have to reach inside for your attributes that help your fellow humans be better and non violent creatures.