Wednesday, October 6, 2010


To a Child, Love is Spelled T-I-M-E | To A Child, Love is Spelled T-I-M-E

Click on the link above to see a beautiful video:

How many times have we sat down and went into the attic of our mind and reached into the depth of things past to retrieve our book of life. We can rediscover what beauty that existed and surrounded  us that we may not even have realized we had. 

Never underestimate the value of one's time. Especially that of a child. Every thought we had and every  event we experienced is recorded in the sacred halls of the universe. That energy created years ago still exits and will always be with us.

The greatest treasures in life are not seen or touched but felt in the heart. (paraphrased from Helen Keller) The treasures we have can be unlocked from the vaults of our heart and felt at your beckoned call. Allow those special moments to be relived time and time again!


  1. You are most welcomed and I appreciate your time and attention to comment. Sharing creates a bond and reinforces our spirit and soul towards a goal of unity.
