Tuesday, April 23, 2013

~~~ EARTH DAY ~~~ BOSTON ~~~

With the continuing gratuitous killings  such as the recent events at the world famous Boston Marathon in the US we experienced another reminder and lesson that we need to sweep our own Porch before we can attend  matters beyond it. Man needs to change from within first so he is able to see clearly his surroundings. Only then can we appreciate what Mother Earth has to offer and how we can nurture her and protect her from further destruction.

Do you believe for one minute that these two men  who did so much physical and emotional trauma to his fellow humans ever took a stroll through the forest  just to be close to Mother Nature?

This starts at home with the parents. What is really sad is "Officials believe this terrorism was motivation by religion".  ~~ That the two brothers appear to   have been motivated by a radical band of Islam, but, do not seem to be connected to any Muslim terrorists groups, This should not be confused with your average dedicated Muslim .

If this is true, ~~ one could suspect that world unity, peace, and appreciation were not promoted in this the suspect's family. 

Spirituality is a must. It is spirituality that is the flow of blood of Religions. Without it, religion can be just a another set of rules and laws which generates another source of income

As I said before, Mother Earth will not end life as we know it with catastrophic events . It will be humanity which will self destruct.

Let us meditate on this day for a peaceful world, that Mother Nature will flourish  in spite of mankind. Allow your spirituality to guide you in what ever religion you participate in.

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